This first video might not be dangerous, but don't eat too much before you watch it...there are a lot of wavy lines. Hence the name 'Sea Sick'.
Some of my YouTube subscribers have commented that my drawing videos are a tad too fast for them to follow, so I have come up with a series of pattern drawing tutorial videos which are a bit more simple and straight to the point. That way people can use the designs to adapt to their own artwork, and whatever shapes they want to fill.
I have named them my 'Dangerous Doodles' Pattern tutorial series, and I hope you like them. Let me know what you think in the comments below this post, or under the video itself on YouTube.
If you would like to have a go at drawing these patterns yourself, don't forget to use the pause button if you want more time to think about each line and shape before you put it down on paper. Don't get too caught up in trying to make your drawing look exactly like mine. The idea is that you express the lines and shapes in your own way. After all, we all think differently and hold our pens differently, so no two drawings are ever going to turn out the same...that's what makes art so interesting! Just relax, go with the flow, and overall make sure that you enjoy what you are doing.
Use different colours and materials. You don't have to stick with ink. Try a thin paintbrush with some different coloured inks, coloured pencils, aquarelles (water colour pencils), or whatever takes your fancy.
Made a mistake? Fantastic! There is no such thing as a mistake in this sort of drawing, in fact mistakes are a great way to come up with a new pattern or idea for another artwork. Just draw around or over it and turn it into a masterpiece. After all, no one will ever know that it was a mistake except you....shhh!
I have so many more ideas for these tutorials, and have already recorded about eight of them so far, I just have to edit them, and hey presto! So make sure you subscribe to my blog and youtube channel so you don't miss a thing.
If you use any of the patterns in your artwork, I would love to see it, and maybe post it on this blog to inspire others. You can send it to me at miraculousmosquito (at) gmail (dot) com.
Have a great day (or night, depending on where you are on the Earth!)
P.S: (You are welcome to use the 'Dangerous Doodle' pattern designs in any of your own creations, as I have provided them for free, however I would really appreciate it if you have the chance to link back to my articles so that others could share the doodly fun! Thanks :))
Thank you so much.