
Sunday, September 4, 2011

Eid Muslimah - Ink Drawing.

My sketch contribution to the Flickr group 'What I Wore Today'
- 'Eid Muslimah' (Muslim Woman)
Recently I came across a fun blog called 'What I Wore Today'.  People contribute sketches guessed it...what they wore that day.  I enjoyed looking at the different styles of drawing, there are some really original ideas posted there.

It got me thinking...I would like to send in a drawing too.

I thought about how I would draw what I wore today, and realised that my 'around the house' clothes that I was wearing just wouldn't cut it.  I like to be comfortable when I am at home.  I don't really think my three small children would care whether I wear the Gucci handbag or the Converse shoes with my trakky daks (That's Aussie slang for tracksuit pants by the way :)

My Daughter's drawing
of the Ramadan Moon.
So instead of drawing what I wore that day in all my comfortable glory, I decided to wait until a much more special day before I posted my drawing.  What would be so special about it, you may ask?  It is the end of the month of Ramadan. The special day is called 'Eidel Fitr', or 'Eid' for short.

Just before Eid,  Wellington Muslims venture outside into the cold winter air to sight the new moon, hoping for a clear sky as the sun appears to lower itself down behind the mountains.  If Allah wills it, one of us might say 'I can see it' and point to the thinnest, curved sliver of light in the sky.  It is a really magical event, and one which I enjoy more each time I witness it.  I have witnessed it eight times since I converted to Islam 8 years ago, thanks to Allah.

If the new moon is sighted, then the month of Ramadhan is officially over for another year, we finish fasting, and the next day will be the Islamic celebration of Eidel Fitr.  Looking for the new moon is something new and interesting to me, because it reminds me that events in this world happen when our Creator wills them to happen, not us.  This is something I never really thought about before I became a Muslim.  I thought that everything in my life was pretty much controlled by me.

For Muslims on Eid day (or any day for that matter) it shouldn't really matter how fancy your clothes are , or how fashionable you look, or which of the latest brands you are wearing.  What matters is that your heart is as pure as it can be before Allah.  During Ramadan, Muslims try their best to polish their heart by fasting, praying, giving charity, and doing good deeds for the sake of Allah.

So I am happy if what I am wearing is the total opposite of what is in the fashion junk mail catalogs which clog up my mailbox every week.  I don't care if what I am wearing is seen as 'old fashioned' to some people.  My hijab (Islamic clothes) free me from so many of the superficial things we have to worry about these days, giving me the freedom to concentrate on the pureness of my heart.

Actually, to be perfectly accurate, this wasn't exactly what I wore on Eid day, and the Muslimah (MuslimWoman) doesn't look exactly like me.  The general outfit is the same, however I did get a bit carried away drawing the decorative bits.  Let's say this is what I would have liked to wear :) .  Also, Eid 'day' was a few days ago, but here in Wellington the Muslim community continues Eid for at least a couple of weeks, so that we all have time to visit each other.

Assalamu Alaikum (Peace be upon you) and Ramadan Kareem!

ps:  (You can see more versions of this drawing on my Flickr page. If you don't want to miss any new posts, don't forget to subscribe :)

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