
Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Pattern Potential.

The original image, drawn in 'Scribbler Too'.
Ive been experimenting further with the 'Scribbler Too' online drawing tool.  The spiderweb lines reminded me of batik, a technique where hot wax is painted onto fabric, sometimes scrunched to create crackled lines, and then dipped in dye.  When the wax is peeled off it reveals an amazing effect.
The image made into a series.  This could be
developed into an actual quilt or wallhanging.

I thought I would take the scribble technique a step further by adding some faded colour to try and resemble dyed material.  Then I thought this would look effective as a series...almost like a quilt or a wall hanging.  There are ways of getting images on to material these days, you can even print onto material with your inkjet printer.  It would be so much fun to make this into an actual quilt or wall hanging....ideas, ideas, but not enough time to try day perhaps!  I will have to dust off the new sewing machine I bought ages ago and actually learn how to USE it!!

By the way you can see another example of a 'Scribbler Too' work I developed here.

PS: (Don't forget to SUBSCRIBE :)) 


  1. I love this drawing! I've just started playing with Scribble Too, and I see so many possibilities.

  2. Thanks, Mariet and Genevieve! Yes, Scibble Too is a lot of fun, isn't it:)
