
Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Let's Get Writing!

An example of one of the printable writing papers.  
Even with the convenience of emails, you would be surprised at how many people still like to use the old fashioned writing paper.  I have had many requests for different types of writing paper in my shop, so I designed a couple of new ones, and people are quite specific about what they want to write on when they request something special.  One of my customers used my writing paper to print off and write in her daily journal.  Other people like to use them the traditional way and send them in the snail mail.  It's kind of nice to think that someone is using my writing paper to write a personal note to a freind or loved one....ohhhhh :))

The example in the picture features a picture taken from my colouring in book.

You can see the whole range of writing papers here.  Stay tuned for more, I'm planning to do lots of these...maybe some more with envelopes too :)

Friday, May 20, 2011

Daughter's Delightful Doodle

click drawing to see a larger image
I thought I would share this doodle with you, made by my almost 5 year old daughter.  One of the first things she usually does as soon as she gets up in the morning is grab a piece of paper out of the big recyclable paper box, finds her felt pens, and starts drawing.  It is amazing how quickly her control of a pen has improved with all that drawing.  She just loves it!

The thing that caught my eye about this one is the snake!  Where is the snake, you ask?  Well he is that really cool spirally creature right in the middle of the drawing.  Instead of just drawing a boring old snake with a few wiggles, her version of a snake has a really amazing repetitive coil thing going on.  I think she has caught the curly drawing habit from her mummy hehe.  I wonder if she saw one of my drawings, or if it is already in her genes?  Whatever the case I thought it was a pretty impressive snake :)  But then of course I am biased :P